
You Are Infinite.

Life is full of ups and downs. 

You find yourself laughing, when you were crying just a minute ago. 

Clouds of negative thoughts gather occasionally around your brain,

and then a soft breeze comes to gently carry them away. 

One moment you feel sorry for yourself for being the victim of circumstances, 

and suddenly you are feeling strong and bright and invincible. 

There are times when you judge, you blame, you swear,

and there are others when you are compassionate, forgiving, angelic.

It is then when you are connected to your true essence,

to your Higher Self, to God, to the Cosmos. 

It is then when the past and the future are one.

It is then when you just are.

You seek no meaning of life, no purpose, no cause,

because you know that all you have to do is to just be

-simply, effortlessly, infinitely be.

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