
All is Well

The other day, as I was going to sleep, a thought occurred to me. As I tucked myself in bed, nesting between my covers I thought "This is it". I saw the space between me and my room's walls expanding, I pictured the wind blowing outside in the alleys of my neighbourhood. I thought of the space defined by the borders of the country I live in- sweet little Holland -and I thought of Greece and its islands proudly standing in the cobalt blue sea, while being kissed by the sunlight.

Then I thought of the atlas of Earth as I wondered where I stand in all of this. Needless to say, I felt so small as I began to zoom back in. My little ego was shocked to begin with. "You are no one, Meli, and if you cease to exist the Earth will not bother". The seasons will not stop changing, the wind will not stop blowing, the sun will keep rising and setting. In this moment of degradation of the ego, I thought "How wonderful!" All of a sudden I was overwhelmed with a feeling of lightness, as these thoughts stripped me off the heavy responsibility of my mere existence.

I realised that even though I am no one, I am still alive and breathing. How much of a miracle is this? To be supported by the air, by the land, by the sea, just like that. It's the perks that come with existence. I can use those breaths and those heartbeats to become who I want to be, to do what I love doing, to live a happy life with respect for the vast womb that keeps me alive.

I went to sleep feeling so blessed and so grateful that night, with a deep knowing that everything has been taken care of. 


  1. "Degradation of ego" to set ur self free! Breaths and heartbeats!! :)

    What is being taken care of and by what/whom??

  2. Dear reader,
    You have touched quite a delicate topic. My posts reflect my personal beliefs about life and the way I perceive it. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions that can differ substantially from mine. When I say "everything has been taken care of", by "everything I mean all those breaths and heartbeats and the steps we take when walking down the paths of our lives. Now, when it comes to who has taken care of this, it is a matter of where one chooses to put his/her faith. Some people name it God, for others it the spirits or their own selves. I 'd love to hear your opinion on the matter.
    Thank you for your comment and the food for thought :)

  3. maybe it is just randomness the one-single common denominator, is it?? it doesn't take care of anything though......However, what about this?:

    "What should we be without the help of that which does not exist? Very little. And our unoccupied minds would languish if fables, mistaken notions, abstractions, beliefs, and monsters, hypotheses, and the so-called problems of metaphysics did not people with beings and objectless images our natural depths and darkness. Myths are the souls of our actions and our loves. We cannot act without moving towards a phantom. We can love only what we create.” P. Valery

    So is it possible to conciliate these two ideas? what do you think?

    An anonymous admirer.

  4. Hey, nice blog.

    Άσχετο με το context του εν λόγω post, σχετικό όμως, με το χαρακτήρα των υπολοίπων: το quote "you are no one" είναι από τα καλύτερα motivational quotes περί personal development.
